When someone wants to accomplish a goal but does not know how to do so, a problem occurs. Anything that confounds and tests the human intellect is a problem, according to philosopher and educational thinker John Dewey.
As you know, problems are there to be solved. The process of fixing problems is complex. Intelligence, emotion, will, and action are all components of problem-solving ability. It also involves an individual’s needs, goals, values, beliefs, habits, and attitudes. Every day, people face obstacles with new, undiscovered parts that they need to learn more about.
A cognitive and social skill that is crucial for success throughout life is the capacity to solve difficulties. The purpose of analytical thinking is to find new answers to issues, not to use tried-and-true techniques. The problem-solving process includes the ability to constantly question, compare the information obtained, consider possibilities, and make choices. Problem-solving is the result of critical and creative thinking.
When Does It Develop?
Parents often wonder when problem-solving skills begin to develop. Children are naturally curious, and as a result, they observe and understand the world around them as well as look for solutions to the questions they have. Children at this age develop self-confidence when they see that they can find simple solutions to the issues that arise in daily life.
Early infancy is the ideal time to learn problem-solving skills because this is when personality foundations are being set and certain habits are being formed. Children who are good problem solvers can use their cognitive abilities to more quickly and readily find answers to personal, social, and professional challenges that they may meet throughout their lives.
People who have learned how to solve problems do well in school and are good additions to society. The most effective time to teach children problem solving, as for other skills, is preschool.
As it turns out, problem solving is a skill that can, of course, be learned. Problem-solving skills can be taught with the help of family, surroundings, the home environment, social contacts, and the way the child is treated. Parents now serve as examples for their children. When a child knows how to solve problems, he or she can easily figure out what he or she needs and what skills he or she already has.
How Does the Process Work?
What exactly does a person who acquires this skill experience during the problem-solving process? The person can look at methods that have been tried before but haven’t worked very well from a different angle. As a result, there is less chance that the individual’s problems and solution methods will leave you unhappy. A child who is capable of handling challenges on his own will have a high level of self-confidence. Trying to solve hard problems helps you think more creatively because you have to come up with different ideas as you go.
We have a few suggestions for parents to help their children develop this skill. Problem-solving skills can be improved by doing things like thinking about a problem using abstractions and mental operations. A good way to help a child acquire this skill is to provide them with real-world issues. So, the child learns to look at problems that have already been solved as challenges to come up with new ideas and find new things. With the help of these exercises, the youngster is more likely to find solutions to every new issue. According to the study, parents should support their children’s independence to help them develop problem-solving abilities.
If you want your kid to improve their problem-solving skills and keep their screen time safe, but you think you need help locating trustworthy content, you can download our Maze Explorer and Logic Puzzle for Kids games from the link below.
Logic Puzzle for Kids
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.njoyKidz.LogicPuzzleForKids&pli=1
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/logic-puzzle-for-kids/id1598574693
Maze Explorer
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.njoyKidz.MazeExplorer2D
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/maze-explorer-2d/id1617642816
- Arzu Özyürek, Asya Çetin, Derya Şahin, Rukiye Yıldırım, Neslihan Evirgen, An Investigation of Problem Solving Skills According to Some Variables in Preschool Children, Article, 2018.
- Zuhal Begde, Arzu Özyürek, The Effect of Teacher and Parent Attitudes on Preschool Children’s Problem-Solving Skills, Article, 2016.
- Senem Akkaya, The Teachers’ Opinions on The Effect of the Science and Nature Activities Implemented in The Pre-School Institutions on The Children’s Ability to Solve Problems, Master Thesis, 2006.