From the moment of birth, people must learn how to coexist with others. Whether or not a child lives in the society where he was born depends on how well he can adapt to it. This equilibrium is attained through socialization, which happens through education. Early-life experiences shape behaviors that are crucial in this regard. For a child to develop this skill, they need to be able to communicate well with others, be motivated, and have the support of their parent and teacher. For continuity and school adaptation, it’s important for kids to learn social skills early on in their education.
The majority of parents today ask themselves the following questions:
- Is my kid antisocial?
- Will my child be shy when he/she became an adult?
A child’s early development and future success in life depend on how much he or she interacts with other people. Social maturity is a person’s growth in understanding, attitude, emotion, and skills, among other things.
Healthy socialization results in the youngster becoming socially mature. At birth, the infant is neither socially awkward nor antisocial. During the earliest years of life, the desire to be among people also grows. The youngster grows socially adept by developing social skills and learning that his family, friends, and other relatives are members of society. The youngster interacts with members of society, as a result of which they learn how to be social.
The social learning theory, which is one of the theories of social interaction, asserts that the combination of behavioral and environmental elements, rather than only reward, can explain human behavior.
Children pick up skills through observation and modeling, which they do by watching their parents. The family is a child’s first social setting, and it is through his interactions with his family that he learns his first social behaviors. Thus, the preschool years are crucial for the development of this talent in the child.
The child’s early learning experiences will determine how they will view the world and other people. The following components are crucial to these experiences:
- Possibilities for the kid
- Drive to take advantage of these chances
- Teaching advice
- Parenting advice
The child’s ability to socialize is impacted by these elements. If a child doesn’t have the right social skills, these problems get worse and they have trouble fitting in.
Positive and negative results
Social skills reduce potentially harmful situations in the educational setting. At this point, it’s crucial to have functional communication skills, like the ability to express oneself and ask for assistance. Children who don’t have these social skills have been seen getting angry, crying, and screaming when they don’t get what they want.
If a child lacks social skills, he will have trouble interacting with his environment and won’t be able to adapt. Due to this circumstance, the child begins to experience stress and social anxiety. This is seen as timidity and introversion. Shyness is an uncomfortable feeling that keeps people from acting naturally and right when they’re around other people. Self-confidence development is hampered by shyness. As a result, it is difficult to establish a successful personality and move up the ladder of success for the rest of one’s life.
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- Berrin Dinç, Teachers’ Views on the Effects of Preschool Education on the Social Development of 4-5-Year-Old Children, Master Thesis, 2002.
- Sinan Ayan, Uğur A. Memiş, Play in Early Childhood Period, Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, Article, 2012.
- Hanley, G. P., Heal, N. A., Tiger, J. H., & Ingvarsson, E. T., Evaluation of a classwide teaching program for developing preschool life skills, Journal of applied behavior analysis, Article, 2007.